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About Nicole

Nicole graduated as a registered nurse from Latrobe university in 1991. After focusing on raising a family and working in a range of clinical settings, she returned to studies and completed Graduate Diploma in Wound Care, Monash university, 2008, with the long term goal to become a Nurse Practitioner.


2015 this goal was achieved with a Masters of Nursing, Nurse Practitioner, Latrobe university, Ageing and Wound Care. An interest and then passion developed for skin care, cosmetic nursing and injectables.


The Nurse Practitioner scope of practice was advanced in 2016 after completing further training with Skin Science (now Melbourne Cosmetic Centre) in cosmetic injectables. A collaboration continues to this day with the company.

The advanced assessment skills as a nurse practitioner means clients receive high quality, patient centred care, with a focus on evidence based practice. 


Nicole continues with professional development, attending education, reading, webinars to keep up to date with current cosmetic practice. She also is a member of Mike Clague’s Patreon, and receives the latest evidence on all things cosmetic.

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